More Freedom. More Profit.


Our Proven Model

We help proven healthcare entrepreneurs (Nurses, Doctors and Scientists) toGrow your profit by
1. Working in your zone of genius
2. Empowering your teams
3. Living the life you have earned
using our proven GROWTHH model:Goal Setting
Resource Allocation
Work to Empower
Technology Integration
Harvest Data
Health Checks

Let's Work Together

Healthcare Entrepreneurs like us...Nurses, Doctors, Clinicians, Scientists, Business Owners and Executives are often unsung helpers and heroes—battle-tested and service-oriented value creators.I humbly count myself among this group as a Nurse for over twenty years, sharing the drive, purpose, and, occasionally, success.My mission is clear: to guide proven leaders to achieve Remarkable Freedom through effective leadership - empowering them to continuously "level up" and achieve autonomy, mastery, and purpose.My career has been a non-linear journey marked by perpetual curiosity and applying the lessons I learn to serve others. It blends the art and science of people and processes, focusing on that unique intersection where value is created by helping.For two decades, I dedicated myself to serving, leading, and empowering diverse teams in healthcare at UCLA, UC Davis, Stanford, and rural areas in Maine and Idaho. Next, my wife and I built a portfolio of diverse businesses, which remains an ongoing, growing endeavor.Now, I help others achieve similar success, focusing on achieving your goals with the help of our proven GROWTHH model.

Contact Us

We create unique value for you.Please contact us for further information and assistance.

Thank You

for the opportunity to serve you
and your team.